boys and girls club of santa ana

May 30, 2012

Special Guest Leticia Bufoni

In late April at Next Up Anaheim, we had the pleasure of having special guest Leticia Bufoni come skate with everyone! Leticia came with her friends […]
May 30, 2012

Special Guest Leticia Buffoni

May 8, 2012

LoveArt& at Next Up Santa Ana

  Loveart& was invited by the Next Up Foundation to do a DIY t-shirt surface design workshop for the participants at their Santa Ana location at […]
May 8, 2012

LoveArt& at Next Up Santa Ana

March 15, 2012

Special Guest Expedition One

On March 7th Kenny Hoyle, Chany Jeanguenin, Taylor Mcclung and even Kelly Hart came out on crutches to Next Up Santa Ana at the Boys & Girls Club/Sierra Preparatory Academy branch. It was […]
March 15, 2012

Special Guest Expedition One

March 5, 2012

Next Up Foundation x Boys&Girls Club of Santa Ana

  Next Up Foundation in partnership with The Boys&Girls Club of Santa Ana, proudly announces skateboarding as extra-curricular activity for the kids at Sierra Intermediate School […]
November 20, 2011

Special guests Adelmo Jr., Rodrigo ‘Maizena’ & Rodrigo TX

Earlier this summer, Next Up had the pleasure of having three amazing professional skaters come visit the program. Rodrigo TX andAdelmo Jr. came with Brazilian pro Rodrigo Leal […]