On May 22nd, Next Up participants had quite a unique opportunity at the Success Lab, thanks to NYC artist Alinne Fernandes and Vans! Miss Fernandes first discovered our organization through Instagram (thank you, social media!). She was eager to contribute and shipped a large box of art supplies to our building. Soon, an idea for collaboration developed after Vans offered to donate 15 pairs of white Vans slip-ons. Alinne flew all the way out from the East coast to offer an art workshop where 15 kids got to customize their own pair of Vans shoes. The kids had their choice of various techniques, including paint, glitter, and embroidery, while Alinne supervised an energetic three-hour art session. We have some talented young artists on our hands at Next Up! Thank you to Vans and Alinne for such spirited support of our efforts. We can’t wait to have you back, Alinne!! Much love.